Daewoo Nexia

since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Deu Neksiya
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Maintenance
- Engine
   2.1. Technical characteristics
   2.2. Greasing system
   2.3. Maintenance and engine repair
   2.4. Compression check
   2.5. Dismantle and engine installation assembled
   2.6. Engine support
   2.7. Inlet collector and laying
   2.8. Final collector and laying
   2.9. Cover of the case of a cam-shaft
   2.10. Pulley of a cranked shaft
   2.11. Forward cover of a gear belt
   2.12. Camshaft cogwheel
   2.13. Cogwheel of a cranked shaft
   2.14. Back cover of a gear belt
   2.15. Adjustment of a tension of a gear belt
   2.16. Verification of the angular provision of a camshaft
   2.17. Forward consolidation of a cranked shaft
   2.18. Camshaft. Levers. Hydrojacks of gaps
   2.19. Klapannye of a spring. Consolidations of cores of valves
   2.20. Head of cylinders. Camshaft case
   2.21. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
   2.22. Dismantle of valves
   2.23. Directing plugs of valves
   2.24. Expansion of openings of plugs
   2.25. Valves
   2.26. Klapannye of a spring
   2.27. Saddles of valves
   2.28. Consolidations of valves
   2.29. Height of a core of the valve concerning a head of the block of cylinders
   + 2.30. Pushers of valves with hydrojacks of gaps
   2.31. Oil pallet
   2.32. A reception branch pipe with the oil filter
   2.33. Oil pump
   2.34. Repair of the oil pump
   2.35. Pistons and rods
   2.36. Flywheel. Back consolidation of a cranked shaft
   2.37. Cranked shaft
   2.38. Rods and radical bearings
   2.39. Replacement of loose leaves
   2.40. Piston group and rods
   2.41. Piston fingers and rings
   2.42. Block of cylinders
   2.43. Installation of pistons
   2.44. Disk balancing with a gear wreath
   2.45. Repair of carving openings
   + 2.46. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the engine
+ 3. Engine (two top camshafts)
+ cooling System
+ Toplevnaya and exhaust systems
+ Electric chain
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Electronic control unit and sensors
+ Transmission
+ 10. Five-speed transmission and main RPO MM5 broadcast
+ 11. Automatic Transmission
+ Steering
+ Running gear
+ 14. Forward suspension bracket
+ 15. Drive of forward wheels
+ 16. Back suspension bracket
+ Brake system
+ Body
+ Heating, ventilation
+ Electric equipment


2.21. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders


Cleaning of directing plugs of valves


Check of planeness of a surface of a prileganiye of a head of the block of cylinders


Measurement of height of a head of the block of cylinders

And = 96 ± 0,25 mm


Before demontazhy heads of the block of cylinders and the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye to measure a compression in cylinders and to write down results. When dismantling mechanism газорас the predeleniye are necessary to keep a set a tsiya of details in separate groups and at assembly to establish them strictly on the same places which they occupied before dismantling. Otherwise it will be broken extra earnings of details.

To disassemble

1. Gazoraspredeleniye mechanism.
2. To unscrew spark plugs.

To check

Laying of a head of the block of cylinders and condensed surfaces on existence of traces of leakage of cooling liquid and oil, break of gases and corrosion. If laying has defects, it is necessary to define the reason:
– wrong installation;
– weakening of fastening or deformation of a head of the block of cylinders;
– lack of pins.

To clear


When using the mechanized metal brush it is necessary to put on goggles in order to avoid a travmirovaniye of eyes.

1. Head of the block of cylinders. To remove all deposits to metal. It is forbidden to apply the mechanized cleaning by a metal brush of the plane of a prileganiye of a head to the block of cylinders.
2. Directing plugs of valves, see fig. Cleaning of directing plugs of valves.
3. Carving openings.
4. The hermetic remains in candle openings.

To check

1. Serviceability of a carving and heads, lack of cracks on cores of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.

At installation of a head to apply only new fixing bolts.

2. A head of the block of cylinders on existence of cracks, especially between saddles of valves and in final channels.
3. The top surface of a head on existence of traces of corrosion, foreign particulates in a material and fistulas.
4. Deviations from planeness of the top surface of a head, and also the privalochny planes for inlet and final pipelines, see fig. Check of planeness of a surface of a prileganiye of a head of the block of cylinders. In the presence of deformations to replace a head of the block of cylinders.
5. To measure head height. If the height makes 95,75 mm or less, to replace a head, see fig. Measurement of height of a head of the block of cylinders.
6. Serviceability of all carving openings. The defective carving opening can be repaired by means of the plug-in plug (ввертыша).
7. Landing surfaces:
      – caps of a shirt of cooling.
8. Directing plugs of valves.
Before starting repair of saddles of valves, it is necessary to check at first a condition and to repair directing plugs of valves as they align cores of valves in a head concerning saddles. Before measurement of diameter and carrying out any repair work it is necessary to clear directing plugs carefully. At wear to process openings of plugs development for the repair size.
9. Saddles of valves on existence of strong wear and sinks.
Saddles of valves can be repaired by grinding. For restoration of operability of saddles of valves it is necessary to use the special grinding machine. At work to follow instructions of the manufacturer of the grinding machine. If saddles underwent repair by grinding, it is necessary to process also facets of heads of valves or to replace valves.

To establish or attach

1. Spark plugs.
2. Valves and klapanny springs.

In order to avoid damages to screw candles after installation of a head of the block of cylinders.