Check of serviceability of electrocarrying-out strips of a heater
For detection of the damaged electrocarrying-out strips it is necessary to start the Engine and to include an electroheater. By means of the voltmeter serially to measure tension on all strips, having attached one sampler to "weight", and another – to strips about the left and right tires. If the size of tension measured on both ends of each strip, approximately is equal to tension of the storage battery, it is necessary to check reliability of contact of a "mass" wire with a car Body. Tension on a strip should decrease in process of sampler removal from the tire of a food of an electroheater of back glass. Each strip should be checked at least in two places to exclude probability of the admission of the damaged place. It is recommended to make check of serviceability of strips in two places located at identical distances from the central line of back glass. At detection of abnormal indications of the voltmeter on one of strips it is necessary to move a sampler along this strip until tension does not become equal to zero. In this place there is a rupture of a strip. |