Daewoo Nexiasince 1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Deu Neksiya + Maintenance instruction + Maintenance + Engine + 3. Engine (two top camshafts) + cooling System + Toplevnaya and exhaust systems - Electric chain 6.2. General description 6.3. Rules of care of the accumulator 6.4. Accumulator check 6.5. Battery charging 6.6. Storage battery 6.7. System of start-up of the engine 6.8. Diagnostics of malfunctions 6.9. Algorithm of diagnostics of malfunctions 6.10. Traction relay 6.11. Coupling of a free wheeling (MCX) 6.12. Repair of knots of a starter of 5MT and 10МТ 6.13. Generator 6.14. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the CS-121 generator 6.15. Generator dismantle 6.16. CS-130 generator repair + 7. Ignition system + 8. Electronic control unit and sensors + Transmission + 10. Five-speed transmission and main RPO MM5 broadcast + 11. Automatic Transmission + Steering + Running gear + 14. Forward suspension bracket + 15. Drive of forward wheels + 16. Back suspension bracket + Brake system + Body + Heating, ventilation + Electric equipment |
6.11. Coupling of a free wheeling (MCX)
1. To check work as MCX. The gear wheel of a starter should rotate freely in one direction and be blocked with electric motor shaft in attempt to turn it in other direction. To check a gear wheel condition: teeths should not have cracks, the centers of a vykrashivaniye of metal and strong wear. At detection of defects to replace MCX and a gear wheel. Contact damages of a gear wheel can be also a sign of a vykrashivaniye of teeths of a wreath of a flywheel. It is necessary to check a condition of a wreath of a flywheel and if necessary to replace a wreath. 2. To check a torque of blocking of MCX. For this purpose it is necessary, without dismantling MCX from a shaft, to clamp an electric motor anchor in a vice. In order to avoid damages to wrap up an anchor a fabric. To put on the MCX tip of a dinamometrichesky key and to put the torque of 68 Nanometers directed counter-clockwise. Thus by MCX it should not be turned. If by MCX it was turned, it is necessary to replace it. 3. Roller MCX does not need greasing in use. However it is necessary to clear it of dirt. It is forbidden to use for cleaning of the MCX means which can разжижить and wash up from the MCX the put greasing. For greasing of a neck of a shaft of an anchor on which it is placed by MCX, siliceous General Electric CG321 greasing, Dow Coming 33 Medium greasing and others similar is applied of. 4. It is not necessary to grease details of MCX plentifully. |